Serendipity hiking Trail
Added: 2016-08-22 15:10 Kathy Reichs’s first novel Déjà Dead catapulted her to fame when it became a New York Times bestseller and won the 1997 Ellis Award for Best First Novel. Her other Temperance Brennan books include Death du Jour, Deadly Décisions, Fatal Voyage, Grave Secrets, Bare Bones, Monday Mourning, C... more
Health Benefits Of Moringa Seeds Lowers Blood Sugar Levels One of the significant properties of moringa seeds is its ability to reduce blood glucose levels. Hence it acts as an anti-diabetic agent. A study done in 2012 tested the effects of moringa on diabetic rats. The rats were treated with an extract of mor... more
PAPRIKA Paprika is a red-orange coloring oily material extracted from the common sweet red pepper, Capsicum annum L. The plant is grown mostly in temperate climates. Preparation: Paprika for color application is available primarily as an oleoresin. The oleoresin is made by percolating a volatile solvent (such as hexane) through dried pap... more
1.WILD ‘It had nothing to do with gear or footwear or the backpacking fads or philosophies of any particular era or even getting from point A to point B. It had only to do with how it felt to be in the wild. With what it was like to walk for miles for no reason other than to witness the accumulation of trees and meadows, mountains and d... more
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” ― Lao Tzu ... more
“Simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures. Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being. Patient with both friends and enemies, you accord with the way things are. Compassionate toward yourself, you reconcile all beings in the world.” ― Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching ... more
Die Dag toe die Hemel aarde toe gekom het - No 1 Die Kersverhaal is en bly die mooiste storie van alle tye. Dit kan oor en oor en jaar na jaar vertel word sonder dat die storie oud of afgeleefd raak. Die probleem met die Kersverhaal is dat ons eintlik bitter min verstaan van wat gebeur het. Ons oë bly s... more

ONS GEDAGTES Daar is so baie artikels oor die belangrikheid van gesonde kos en leefstyl. Ons kry dus oorgenoeg inligting en soms dalk te veel, wat ons help dat ons ons liggame kan voed met die regte kos. Dit help dat ons gesond bly en genoeg energie het om elke dag tot sy volheid te benut. Ons brein word ook so op 'n daaglikse... more

Dit was met groot opgewondheid dat 10 van ons opgedaag het by Bokpoort, naby Clarens.Ons was Ernst, Adri, drie Johanne, Clifford, Bronwyn, Ansa, Emil en Sophie. Akkomodasie was in n groot opstal waar almal baie gerieflik kon slaap .Dit was seker eers n ou Kerkie wat hulle baie mooi reggemaak het.Almal die aand lekker gebraai en gekui... more
In Gesprek met die Gemeente In die nuuste boek van Anton van Niekerk, “Die Dood en die Sin van die Lewe” skryf hy dat daar al baie geskryf is oor God, maar oor die dood praat mense nie. Dit is ‘n soort van taboe onderwerp. Sy argument is dat ‘n mens oor die dood moet praat ten einde die lewe te kan ver... more
Om Gelowig te Wees Die baie bekende rocksanger en aktivis, Bono, skryf een jaar hier rondom die nuwejaar oor 10 nuwe idees wat die nuwe tydvlak beskaafder, interessanter en gesonder sal maak. Na aanleiding daarvan skryf Stephan Joubert, “wat sal die Christene meer magneties maak in die komende jare?” Daar is by T... more
Houston, We got a problem Dit is die bekende woorde van die ruimtevaarders wat in die ruimte vagekeer was omdat hulle tuig onklaar geraak het. ‘n 40 of so jare later is die woorde dalk profeties. Hoe hoor ons God praat in tye van nood? Een van die ruimtevaarders het agterna gesê: ”Ek was nooit godsdie... more
Albert Einstein once quoted, “The one who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd. The one who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been.” ... more
“I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.” – Robert Frost ... more
Remembering Lady Liuwa, the Last Lioness View this email in your browser How do you say farewell to a legend? It is with heavy hearts that we say goodbye to the iconic lioness, Lady Liuwa. Sadly, we just confirmed yesterday that at 17 years old, “Lady” as she was affectionately known, has passed on due to natural causes. It&... more
In conservation, good news is often the absence of bad news, especially for elephants – where the headlines are mostly about the deadly ivory wars and a species facing near extinction. The threats are real, and the future of the planet's largest terrestrial mammal is at stake. But there are some extraordinary things happening across... more

Ons vergeet dikwels dat mense in die Bybelse tyd nie ander vervoermiddele gehad het, behalwe om per donkie of te voet te stap nie. Daarom kon hulle nie in die nag reis nie, want daar was maar skurke en rowers soos vandag. In die dag is Palestina warm en droog. Dit was moeilik om te reis en as jy by jou bestemming aangekom het was ... more
Did you know? Bullion Bullion is the generic word for gold and silver in coin, bar or ingot form. The word originally meant mint or melting place from the old French word for boiling: bouillon. However, the word may also have been derived from the surname of Claude de Bullion who served as French Minister of Finance under King Louis XIII. Bu... more
“Many people lose the small joys in the hope for the big happiness.” – Pearl S. Buck ... more
Dit is n diep stil donker nag. Ver poep n boesman sag. Met n dowwe geplof. val n drol in die stof. Geduldig en gedwee, hoor ek n geskree, n Boesman het sy hol met n kaktus afgevee. ... more
"What am I? I am a poet What do I do? I write How do I survive? I survive! I live in cheerful poverty, like an important lord Whose fortune is in his poems and songs I live in a castle in the air, And I'm a millionaire in dreams and creativity." —Giacomo Puccini, Che gelida manina "A cold little hand,&q... more
Mark Zuckerberg’s Prayer No matter how financially blessed, we all need to call upon a higher power to help us make our lives a blessing. by Rabbi Benjamin Blech At age 32, Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest of the world’s ten richest people. His fortune presently hovers over the $60 billion mark. Financ... more
A friend confided that she wakes up each morning with a tight feeling in her chest. “The news is so frightening, life and family pressures pull me, and sometimes I just can’t take it anymore.” It is easy to fall into negativity but we can help ourselves become happier and more positive. While there are certain situati... more

WHAT IS A ZORSE AND WHAT IS A ZEBRULE? Although zebras and domestic horses are similar in shape and belong to the same family, they are genetically quite different. Horses have 64 chromosomes and zebras between 32 and 40. This means that zebras and horses do not readily interbreed, but should this happen, it is usually between a zebra stallion a... more
Gerammel aan buurtafel verdryf almal se eetlus 2009-12-05 07:41 Artikelopsies Deel Kry Beeld op Annelize le Roux Dit is ’n verruklike Mediterreense lenteaand. Ons sit in ’n taverne langs die see op die Griekse eiland Andros. ’n Boesoeki kreun saggies. Vier vreemdelinge om ’n tafel naby ons he... more

(Shutterstock) Israeli Scientists Discover Way for Cancer to Self-Destruct Print Email37 Comments Apr 3, 2017 Related: cancer research Israeli medicine Tel Aviv University Modifying specific proteins during cancer-cell divis... more ... more
Amy Krouse Rosenthal’s moving plea for her husband to find love after her death. Amy Krouse Rosenthal died last week. A short time before her death she wrote a profoundly moving essay, “You May Want to Marry My Husband” in the New York Times’ Modern Love column that created an unprecedented... more
(4) Washington, D C 2120-September 1, 1945 To: D A MacArthur/C H Nimitz From: H S Truman Political Correctness is a doctrine, recently fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and promoted by a sick mainstream media, which... more ... more
Chinese New Year is also known as the Spring Festival or Lunar New Year. It is a 15 day celebration. The 15th day marks the first full moon after the Spring Festival and is known yuan xiao jie meaning "first night of the full moon." With street fairs, lion and dragon dances, parades and fireworks it is time to paint the town red. Sen... more
The Hiker’s Prayer Thank you God for the rising sun. You’ve granted me another day. Your grace is amazing; bless you faithful Lord. The creation sings your praise, and I join the sound. Heal my tired soul; restore my aching bones. Lead each step along my path today. Ease my burdens as I press forward. Quench my t... more
“Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.” -Oscar Wilde. ... more ... more
"We are placed here with certain talents and capabilities. It is up to each of us to use those talents and capabilities as best you can. If you do that, I think there is a power greater than any of us that will place the opportunities in our way." – John G... more
At a more sophisticated level, Buddhist psychology shows how training in mindfulness, integrity, generosity, and respect can create a healthy society. From village schools to community meetings, Buddhist practices of right speech, right action, and right livelihood foster moral character and the creation of harmony. Buddhist temples mode... more
************************************* How to Make a New Business Work ************************************* By Michael Masterson Apart from starting off with (and sticking to) a good plan, there are nine secrets I've discovered to making a start-up business work: Business doesn't happen until you... more
“Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope.” ― Dr. Seuss 'Life isn't about how to survive the storm, But how to dance in the rain.' ... more
Mabalêl – Eugene Marais Vinnig langs die paadjie trippel Mabalêl; vrolik klink die liedjie wat die klingelinge van haar enkelringe vergesel. Op die voetpad sy alleen, met die skadu’s om haar heen; op haar kop die kruik gelig in gedienstig’ ewewig. Golwend kleur die hemelboog, stadig sterf die l... more ... more
Jy het gedink jy weet alles....? 'n Kat het 32 spiere in elke oor. 'n Krokodil kan nie sy tong uitsteek nie. 'n Goudvis se geheue is net 3 sekondes lank. (Ek ken mense soos dit) 'n Haai is die enigste vis wat albei sy oe kan knip. 'n Slak kan vir 3 jaar slaap. 'n Volstruis se oe is groter as sy brein.(Ek ken mense soos... more
“Never be limited by other people's limited imaginations.” – Mae Jemison ... more
“A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so.”... more ... more ... more ... more ... more
Subject: A must read poem about life Slow Dance This is a poem written by a teenager with cancer. She wants to see how many people get her poem. It is quite a poem, please pass it on. This poem was written by a terminally ill young girl in a New York Hospital. It was sent by a medical doctor. SLOW DANCE... more

The Top Ten Health Benefits of Hiking Posted on May 25, 2011 by Cathy You know hiking is good for your health. But do you know just how good it is? If you are heading out for a hike this Memorial Day weekend, take note of all the good you are doing for your body. Ute Trail, Rocky Mountain Nation... more
Pericles’ historic warning, “Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you". ... more
Langer as 'n eeu gelede het 'n taai omie vir sy dogter vertel dat die geheim van 'n lang gesonde lewe is om elke oggend 'n knippie buskruit oor jou pap te strooi. Sy doen dit gedienstig elke oggend en sterf toe uiteindelik op die rype ouderdom van 110. Sy het ses kinders, 22 kleinkinders, 28 agterkleinkinders, 12 agter-agterkleinkin... more

We thank Craig and his dear friend Lisa for the photos. ... more

About 30 brave hikers arrived for this hike on the Sunday morning.Braving the morning chill we we on our way.On the way we saw Giraffe, Zebra and Red Hartebeest.Nature is still very dry and the grass seems to be totally devoid of any life.But it was a good hike filled with plenty of chat, some tough littel uphills and a quite stroll back to the sta... more

It was a cold morning on the 13 August 2016 when about 10 hikers tackled the Hennops Hiking Trail near Pretoria.Tough and a bit of challenge at 11.5km it was a handful.Beautiful scenery and plenty of hills was in our views.We crossed the river with a pond which was quite different over the mighty Hennops River.It was a challenging and ultimately de... more

Hiking at Rietvleidam Nature reserve Gauteng Province, South Africa. Date : 30/07 /2016 What a wonderful experience.We were only 15 hikers plus two very interesting guides.The bush was very dry but we saw plenty of Rhinos, Zebras and Eland.Great to hike the reserve with such experienced guides.Very dry, rain is needed but we are still in t... more
- BEADS as Ambassadors - African cultures have long prized beads, though their earliest use served as indicators of power and wealth. Africans also used beads to communicate. The "love letters" of the Zulu tribe manipulate the colors and patterns of beaded offerings to one's suitor in order to convey secret messages. In Rhodesia, Mat... more
“When there is an invisible elephant in the room, one is from time to time bound to trip over a trunk.” – Karen Joy Fowler ... more
“Too often we judge other groups by their worst examples while judging ourselves by our best intentions." – George W Bush ... more
It’s not about how much money you invest, it’s about getting into the savings game as early as possible, with whatever you have available, says Helena Conradie, CEO of Satrix. Talking to a packed audience at Moneyweb’s recent Money Expo, she acknowledged that for many people ‘just starting’ is easier said than don... more
Curious facts The first-ever website ( was published on August 6, 1991 by British physicist Tim Berners-Lee while at CERN, in Switzerland. [2] On April 30, 1993 CERN made World Wide Web ("W3" for short) technology available on a royalty-free basis to the public domain, allowing the Web to flourish.[3... more
Love the Lord with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.Deut.6 :5 ... more
There are over 1 billion websites on the world wide web today. This milestone was first reached in September of 2014, as confirmed by NetCraft in its October 2014Web Server Survey and first estimated and announced by Internet Live Stats (see the tweet from the inventor of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee). The numbe... more
Verse: Genesis 22:14 'So Abraham called that place The Lord Will Provide. And to this day it is said, 'On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.' - What a reassuring fact it is to know that the Lord will provide. - What needs do you have today? - May you be able to say: 'All th... more
Cape Town - We all have stuff we don’t need. Why do we buy these things in the first place? We all have basic needs: shelter, food, security, warmth. If we didn’t somehow provide for these basic needs, we probably wouldn’t live very long. But open the cupboards of most working people and you are likely to be confronted with ... more
Somewhere in the Cederberg lives a baboon with a caffeine addiction. And we’re to blame. Now, before you get all hot under the collar over the generalising use of ‘we’, relax. You’re off the hook. This time round ‘we’ is not an accusatory finger pointed at humanity as a whole, rather the four fingers pointing bac... more
Only a South African will understand. Monitor Keeping an eye on the braai Download Get the firewood off the bakkie Hard drive ... more
By GG Alcock* While Shoprite, Pick & Pay, Spar and other formal retailers slug it out against each other for the purse of the consumer an invisible giant is awakening in the informal sector which is winning the purse and growing faster than the formal sector. This giant is not a single entity but a multitude of small informal shops who for... more
Send me your company details, we will add it for free to the directory. Home Page exposure also possible. ... more
The Dance of the Rain Oh, the dance of our Sister! First, over the hilltop she peeps stealthily and her eyes are shy and she laughs softly From afar she begs with her one hand her wrist-bands shimmering and her bead-work sparkling softly she calls She tells the wind about the dance and she invites it, because the yard is spacious and the... more

The mother lode of young entrepreneurs Sungula Nkabinde Much is said about the need to foster a culture of entrepreneurship among South Africa’s youth. But it’s already there. Just untapped. Be Bold is a student-driven movement, with a network of over 53 000 student entreprene... more

Testimonials “HOMI 2014 has taught me how to deal with suppliers outside of my country. The experience has also helped me to think long term about my business. I’ve also met great South Africans on the trip that I could potentially work with in future. I will be staying in contact with the people I met on th... more

OTTER HIKING TRAIL Why is the Otter Hiking Trail so fascinating? The Otter Hiking Trail is one of South Africa's most popular trails and is known world-wide. It is a five-day t... more
Voor jy n keuse maak, dink aan die gevolge en of jy bereid is om die verantwoordelikheid daarvoor te dra. ... more
""n Hospitaal behoort n herstelkkamer langs die kassier te he" ... more
Cape Town – An Irishman’s passion for job creation and solving South Africa’s energy restrictions with green technology resulted in the development of the largest solar farm in Africa. It launches this month. Phelan Energy Group’s Pascal Phelan told Fin24 how he decided to transform his game farm near Kimberley ... more
Rwanda: Expecting the unexpected in a place you know nothing about 2016-03-01 21:15 - Darrel Bristow-Bovey POST A COMMENT0 SHARE: No matter where you go, before you even get there you always have an idea of what it will be like. Before you land in Switzerland you’re expecting shops selling chocolate ... more
INVESTING Don’t be too fixated on daily moves in the stock market: "Games are won by players who focus on the playing field -- not by those whose eyes are glued to the scoreboard. If you can enjoy Saturdays and Sundays without looking at stock prices, give it a try on weekdays." (from letter published in 2014) Don’t get ... more
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