Greenway Farms

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Greenway Farms

Contact Details

Contact Person
Marketing | Wesley Browne
Mobile Number
T | 072 698 9332
Greenway Farms 22 Deleray Tarlton 1749 South Africa

24-hour carrot care
Our dedicated team works round the clock to prepare our land to the best possible standards even before a seed is

planted. We believe it’s only by working with nature, not against it that you reap the crème of the carrot crop.

  • Micro-managing every detail
    We work from the ground up with our own enriched organic compost, which nurtures our carrots as they take seed
  • and grow. Once we are 100% happy with the quality of our carrots, we harvest them at sunset and by the very same
  • evening they are juiced and sealed away.
  • Green from start to finish
    The entire Rugani Carrot Juice process is environmentally friendly, powered by green energy. We use our carrot pulp
  • and feed this into a bio gas plant. The bio gas plant leaves no waste and generates enough energy to power to the entire
  • juice factory.
  • Drink the difference
    The result? Great tasting juice made from the 100% Rugani carrot quality you know and love.


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